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I’ve teamed up with Lampeter Leisure Centre* to offer a ten-session programme that will help you kickstart a healthy and active lifestyle. It's a great chance to:

- lose weight and inches while learning about healthy eating, planning and laying down new habits

- try out what’s on offer at the leisure centre and put together a fitness programme that works for you

- join a group where it's all about encouragement and support – no competition, no shaming, no sharing anything you don’t want to share

Kickstart the new healthy you

What: 10 sessions (over 12 weeks) comprising an hour of weight-loss & healthy-lifestyle guidance/discussion + a half-hour fitness taster session

Who: Anyone who is overweight and wants to eat more healthily and get fitter

When: 6 January to 23 March 2020, 7.00-8.30 pm on Mondays, an hour with me and half an hour of fitness with leisure-centre Sue

Where: Lampeter Leisure Centre

Also included: A gym induction if you need it and a fitness card giving you free gym/swim/fitness classes throughout the progamme

Walking group: Rachel is a trained walk-leader and has set up a free weight-loss walking group

Cost: £100 for the entire package (including a £10 deposit to secure your place), 12 places only, booking essential

Contact: me ( if you’d like to know more.

Here’s what previous group members had to say:

“You have been such a fabulous teacher – it’s not just about losing weight but learning how to do it! Not just turning up, getting weighed & listening to some boring info – you made each evening fun and gave us the opportunity to learn from each other too… now wearing skinny jeans!”

"Mae'r rhaglen yn cyfle gwych i ddysgu mwy am fwyd a maeth a'r ffordd gorau i golli pwysau (a chadw nhw bant!). Mae'r sesiynau yn llawer o hwyl - cyfle i gymdeithasu a dysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd. Mae pob sesiwn yn wahanol ac yn ein annog i fyfyrio am beth rydym yn ein gwneud i'n cyrff drwy beth rydym yn ei fwyta ac yfed.  Mae'r sesiynau ffitrwydd yn llawer o hwyl hefyd!"

"The programme is different from others… in that it focuses on educating you to eat differently in order to prevent health conditions escalating or developing without being judgemental. It is not just focused on losing weight to comply with society so you are not made to feel odd. It also covers a wide range of other impacts on you such as your mental wellbeing. It is very holistic and I feel you especially have a very calm and approachable demeanour that has really reassured someone as unconfident as me. One last thing......the programme is fun"


"A huge thank you for getting me interested in food and being me again. That is all proving very interesting and at times very difficult but with your help, understanding and enthusiasm I am doing things I didn't think I would be interested again"... [Same lady weeks later] "Thank you - you make us all feel so comfortable- I am so pleased with my progress 13 cms off waist and another 3 kgs off. I put on my favourite orange shirt this morning and it is quite baggy!!!"

"It has been a great experience for me and I have really learnt a lot not just about food but about putting myself and my health first."

"Many many thanks Rachel for all you've done to help me find myself again."

"I lost 20kg in 6 months (thats the weight of my 6 year old daughter) but the best bit about it is I’m not putting it back on. I’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle, I’m less hormonal and much happier!!"

"It's not a flash in the pan but change of lifestyle. And so you don't put the weight you've lost back on."

“I'm so inspired by all that you're teaching us. I do feel like I knew quite a lot of it but there have been some magic penny droppers that have really made the world of difference. I really feel like the weight loss thing is a bit of a distraction, it's useful, an added bonus, a motivator but what you're teaching is SO much bigger than that. This stuff is life changing, massive, but normal and really very sensible on the other hand.”

* I'm working with Sue Walker, a level 4 fitness instructor with a degree and MA in Sport and Exercise Science. Sue is a qualified spin, circuits, boogie bounce and kettlebell instructor and also specialises in Phase 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation and PSI Falls Prevention. Together we’ve come up with a programme that includes an introduction to fitness, strength & conditioning, spin, resistance bands, boxercise, beginner’s circuits, kettlebells, HIIT, indoor rowing and boogie bounce.

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